Friday, June 6, 2008


As part of our whole school focus on sustainability, the children in grades 3 and 4 have been looking at the topic of water conservation and quality. Children were involved in making rain gauges, several of which have been placed around the school. Each week, monitors from the grades check the gauges and record the rainfall for the week and enter it into an excel spreadsheet on the school intranet. Over the coming weeks we hope to compare the rainfall around our school with the surrounding areas and suburbs. Measuring rainfall is a great way of tracking weather conditions. This also allows for calculating run-off from the hard surfaces around our school (stormwater). Children will also be using Internet sites such as the Bureau of Meteorology to obtain rainfall data which can be compared with their own findings.

1 comment:

a parent of many years said...

I think that you find that the grade 2 students are doing this to. Sorry to be technical but we spent ages on the rain gauge.